Broadband Conical Monopole Antenna CO-BCM40
The low-loss high quality antenna BCM40 supports:
- Monopole antenna characteristic,
- Ultra broadband frequency band: 1.2-40 GHz,
- This antenna covers all major frequency bands,
- Ideal for surveillance applications,
- Very robust casing and design.
The BCM40 antenna is a very low loss conical monopole antenna, manufactured precisely enough to operate at frequencies up to 40 GHz, offering good matching and an antenna gain of ca. 0 dBi. The robust casing allows for indoor and outdoor use even in moist conditions.

Modern radio communication utilizes different frequency bands. Common antennas provide acceptable performance only in narrow frequency bands, requiring the user to change antennas when changing the frequency band. For broadband monitoring purposes, an array of different antennas is thus required. The BCM40 antenna eliminates the need for different antennas in a frequency band from 1.2 to 40 GHz, offering solid performance in a frequency band of unprecedented width. The omnidirectional characteristic of the BCM40 allows the controlling of rooms and outdoor areas in a broadband spectrum. The antenna can be placed on a table (Fig. 2) as well as at a mast.

The antenna and all the element are manufactored in Germany in high quality, (Fig. 3).

We offer a system composed of
- Antenna with 2.9mm (K) connector,
- Accessories for flexible mast assembly.
- Complete specifications and detailed applications: BCM40-Datasheet_Rev1_4
We sell the antenna BMC40 for only 2990€ plus tax, shipping charges, and costum duty.
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